Russia Ukraine War Live

 Russia Ukraine War Live

Today is the 55th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Despite the mediation of many countries, both the countries are not able to reach any permanent conclusion. While the Russian army is becoming more and more aggressors day by day, the Ukrainian army is also fighting vigorously. Meanwhile, Russia has claimed that the city of Mariupol has been completely destroyed, although Ukraine has denied this. The Defense Minister of Ukraine has said that the situation in Mariupol is certainly difficult, but right now here we are giving a befitting reply to the Russian army.

US and its allies trying to drag war: Russia

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has accused the US and other Western countries of supplying weapons to Ukraine. He said that these countries are doing this so that this fight can go on till the last citizen of Ukraine surrenders. He said the US and its allies were doing everything possible to prolong Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine.

IMF: Due to war, inflation increased all over the world

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that due to the war in Ukraine, inflation is increasing all over the world. This will continue for a much longer time than previously estimated. The IMF has lowered its global growth forecast for this year by 0.8 per cent from January to 3.6 per cent.

Russia intensifies attacks to control Eastern Ukraine

Russia has stepped up attacks to control Ukraine's eastern industrial region. The Russian army is targeting cities and towns falling under the hundreds of kilometers long front. Both the countries have described it as a new phase of the war which started from 24 February.

Zelensky's proposal to extend martial law till June 24

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed to extend martial law in the country until June 24. Zelensky has introduced a bill in parliament to increase martial law. The martial law period currently in force is set to expire on April 25.

Our campaign in Ukraine is entering a new phase: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Russia's military operation in Ukraine is entering a new phase. He said that the operation is on and another phase of this operation is starting now. Lavrov emphasized that the aim of our campaign is 'the complete independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics'.

Four nuclear bombers seen flying near Ukraine border

The Russian army seems to be in an aggressive mood. Recent video footage showed four Russian Tu-95 nuclear bombers known as Bears flying over Russia's Kaluga region, which borders Ukraine. It is feared that the Russian military is practicing nuclear strikes.

Russia preparing for new attacks in Donbass: Zelensky

Ukrainian President Zelensky has alleged that the Russian military is preparing a new offensive in the Donbass. There is an increase in the number of soldiers and weapons.

Russia may launch 'nuclear' attack on Ukraine soon

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the world should be prepared for the possibility of Russian President Putin using nuclear weapons. Speaking in the country's capital, Kyiv, Zelensky expressed apprehension that the Russian president may also use chemical weapons against Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden will not go to Ukraine

Giving information on Monday, the White House said that President Joe Biden has postponed plans to visit Ukraine. Let us tell you that Ukrainian President Zelensky had asked Biden to come to Kyiv to support against the Russian war and to take stock of the current situation here.

Russian army attacked in Lviv, 7 killed, 11 injured

Russian army has launched an airstrike in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Seven people have died tragically in this attack and 11 people have been injured.

Putin honored the accused of Bucha massacre

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday awarded an honorary title to a man accused of committing brutality in Ukraine's Butcha city. The news agency AFP has given this information. Let us tell you that after the pictures of mass graves and dead bodies were found in Ukraine's Butcha city, there was a demand for investigation of this incident condemning the incident all over the world.

Russia Ukraine War Live: Russia intentifies attacks in eastern Ukraine, IMF said - war has increased inflation all over the world

What time does Moon Knight episode 4 release in Australia?

 Moon Knight returns to screens with its fourth episode. When can audiences in Australia expect to watch the new episode of the Disney Plus series?

We are now over halfway through Disney Plus‘ Moon Knight. The Marvel miniseries debuted three weeks ago, plunging the Marvel Cinematic Universe into much darker territory than before.

The series stars Oscar Isaac as the avatar of an ancient Egyptian moon god known as Khonshu, who likes to dish out punishment to those who cause injustice. However, Marc Spector may be Khnoshu’s avatar, but he’s not the only personality in control of his body as the mild-mannered, kind-hearted Steven Grant is drawn into the supernatural saga that unfolds across the six-episode series.

That said, Steven learned quickly and he really came through for Khonshu, Marc, and the latter’s wife Layla, by figuring out how to find the location of Ammit’s tomb. But locating it came with its own consequences, leaving fans incredibly intrigued and excited for episode 4.

Speaking of which, how can fans in Australia tune into the next episode of Moon Knight and when exactly can they expect it?

Moon Knight episode 4 Australia release date and time

The fourth episode of Moon Knight season 1 will premiere on Disney Plus on Wednesday, April 20, at 5:00 p.m. AEST.

Normally, new episodes of the Marvel Studios shows (and indeed other non-Marvel shows) premiere on Disney Plus in the US in the early hours of the morning (12 a.m. PT and 3 a.m. ET), meaning that fans Stateside stay up late to catch new episodes.

In Australia, however, it makes for the perfect teatime treat, meaning that you can tune in after a day’s work or save it for night-time viewing.

Are you excited for the fourth episode of Moon Knight? What do you think will happen in this episode? Let us know in the comments below!


Xavier Naidoo distanziert sich in Video von Verschwörungstheorien

 er Mannheimer Sänger Xavier Naidoo hat sich in einem etwa drei-minütigen Video auf mehreren sozialen Netzwerken im Internet von Verschwörungserzählungen distanziert.

Xavier Naidoo, der Sänger aus Mannheim, hat am Dienstagabend für eine Überraschung gesorgt. In einem Video präsentiert er sich als Geläuterter, der mit Teilen seiner Vergangenheit zu brechen scheint. Er sagt in dem Video, das unter anderem bei Youtube und auf Facebook zu sehen ist: 

"Mir wurde bewusst, dass ich meine Familie, meine Freunde, meine Fans, Menschen, die mich verteidigt haben, aber auch viele andere Menschen mit verstörenden Äußerungen irritiert und provoziert habe, für die ich mich entschuldigen möchte."

Anlass für Video von Xavier Naidoo: der Krieg in der Ukraine

Anlass für seine Stellungnahme sei der Krieg in der Ukraine gewesen, so Naidoo in dem Video. Seine Frau stamme aus der Ukraine. Nach dem russischen Überfall habe er Familienangehörige aus dem Land holen müssen. Die Welt scheine "wie auf den Kopf gestellt". Er habe sich gefragt, "wie es so weit kommen konnte." Naidoo sagt in dem Video weiter, er habe darüber "auch viel mit Betroffenen und Freunden gesprochen" und sich vielen kritischen Fragen zu seiner Haltung in der Vergangenheit stellen müssen, für die er nun aber dankbar sei.

Über das Video berichteten am Mittwoch mehrere Medien. Es wurde im Netz über 100.000 mal geklickt und tausendfach kommentiert.

Mutmaßlich Sympathien zu Reichsbürgerszene

In den vergangenen Jahren war der Sänger immer wieder in die Schlagzeilen geraten, weil er sich als Anhänger verschiedener Verschwörungstheorien zu erkennen gegeben hatte. Außerdem war er mit Sympathien zur rechtsextremen Reichsbürgerszene sowie fremdenfeindlichen und antisemitischen Äußerungen aufgefallen.

Erstmals seit zehn Jahren Rückgang der Abonnenten-Zahl bei Netflix

        Erstmals seit zehn Jahren Rückgang der Abonnenten-Zahl bei Netflix 200’000 Abonnenten wurden in den drei Monaten bis März abgemeldet, teilt der Streaming-Marktführer mit. Eigentlich hatte er mit einer Zunahme von über 2 Millionen Kunden gerechnet.

Der Streamingdienst Netflix hat erstmals seit mehr als zehn Jahren einen Rückgang seiner Abonnenten-Zahl verzeichnet. In seiner am Dienstag veröffentlichten Geschäftsbilanz des ersten Quartals 2022 gab das US-Unternehmen die weltweite Zahl seiner Abonnenten mit 221,6 Millionen an. Das waren 200’000 weniger als zum Ende des vergangenen Jahres. Diese ernüchternden Zahlen liessen die Netflix-Aktie im nachbörslichen Handel in New York um 26 Prozent auf 258,39 Dollar abstürzen.

Netflix hatte eigentlich damit gerechnet, 2,5 Millionen weitere Abonnenten zu gewinnen – und die Analysten hatten sogar einen noch stärkeren Zuwachs erwartet. Der Streamingdienst hatte in den vergangenen beiden Jahren stark von der Corona-Pandemie profitiert, welche dazu führte, dass Menschen weltweit viel mehr Zeit zu Hause verbrachten und dort Filme und Serien schauten als zuvor – dies liess die Kundschaft stark wachsen.

Starke Konkurrenz – und Krieg



                 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.  Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face. 

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).

At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.


      To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.

  • Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.

  • Avoid touching your face.

  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

  • Stay home if you feel unwell.

  • Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.

  • Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of peoples.


                    The COVID-19 virus affects different people in different ways.  COVID-19 is a respiratory disease and most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment.  People who have underlying medical conditions and those over 60 years old have a higher risk of developing severe disease and death.

Common symptoms include:

  • fever
  • tiredness
  • dry cough.

Other symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • and very few people will report diarrhoea, nausea or a runny nose.

People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should self-isolate and contact their medical provider or a COVID-19 information line for advice on testing and referral.

People with fever, cough or difficulty breathing should call their doctor and seek medical attention. Be safe at home!!

The Best Reactions to Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s ‘Shallow’ Oscar Performance

Two hours into the Oscars ceremony and the show-stopping performance of “Shallow” finally came.
Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga surprised the audience by approaching the stage from their seats in the crowd, without an introduction. Gaga took her place at a grand piano and Cooper perched on a stool.
Twitter went wild. Here’s a collection of a few of our favorite reactions to the passionate performance between “A Star is Born” co-stars.

Duke investigating sexual assault allegation made against former basketball player

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -- The sexual assault allegation made recently against a former Duke men's basketball player is being investigated, the university announced Saturday.
In a series of statements released Friday through her attorney, Meredith Watson said a former Duke basketball player raped her in 1999. Watson also has said that Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax sexually assaulted her on Duke's campus in Durham, North Carolina, when they were both students in 2000.
The identity of the men's basketball player facing the allegation is not known.
Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said both he and the university understand the severity of the matter.
"I think there was an allegation made, right?" Krzyzewski said after Saturday night's victory at Virginia. "So, I'm not sure that's true or not, but there's an allegation. I didn't find out about it until late last night, and I have no knowledge about it. ... Our university will take care of whatever actions and give whatever information that's needed to be done. I think our [athletic director] has put out a statement that we'll give to you. It's very ... something like that is serious. So, our school looks at it that way, and we'll do whatever we can to make sure that we answer whatever questions are posed to us."
Duke did distribute a statement after the Virginia game, detailing its intent to investigate the claims.
"Duke first learned of the allegations involving a student-athlete last night when they were reported by the media," the statement said. "Coach Krzyzewski confirms that he had no knowledge of the alleged conduct from 1999. The university is looking into the matter and will have no further comment at this time."
The 1998-99 Duke team was one of the most talented and highly touted teams in school history. It lost to UConn in the national title game that season.
"Ms. Watson was raped by a basketball player during her sophomore year at Duke," a portion of Watson's statement read. "She went to the Dean, who provided no help and discouraged her from pursuing the claim further. Ms. Watson also told friends, including Justin Fairfax."
Watson is the second woman to allege that Fairfax sexually assaulted her. Fairfax has been urged by leaders to step down.
The allegations against Fairfax are attached to one of the most turbulent weeks in the history of Virginia politics. Gov. Ralph Northam admitted to wearing blackface after a racially incendiary photo in his medical school yearbook surfaced. The state's attorney general, Mark Herring, also has admitted to donning blackface in the past.
Northam has refused to step down, despite demands from his peers and adversaries who want him to leave his post.
Fairfax was expected to succeed Northam if he had decided to step down.

UFC 234 Results: Winners, Bonuses, Highlights And Analysis


Almost everything about UFC 234 was disappointing. The one exception was the amazing show of respect between Israel Adesanya and Anderson Silvaafter the former took a unanimous-decision victory in the makeshift main event in Melbourne, Australia.
Hours before the event started, UFC middleweight champion Robert Whittaker had to pull out of his title defense against Kelvin Gastelum. That elevated Adesanya-Silva to the main event spot, which wouldn't have been too bad if the card had other strong bouts.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. This was one of the weaker lineups of fights you'll ever see for a pay-per-view. Evidence of the event's frailty is in seeing the Lando Vannata-Marcos Mariano bout elevated to co-main event.

In any case, Adesanya tussled in a main event that featured almost as much posing and posturing as it did action. There was tons of showmanship and respect, which is admirable, but it was like watching too friends fight and it's clear neither man wants to truly hurt the other one.
I'm not Silva could have if he even wanted to. While he looked good considering he's 43 and will turn 44 in April, but he still looked 40-something. Adesanya didn't have much to gain from a status standpoint. He was promised a title shot if he won, and he did by outstriking Silva 65-31, but if we're being totally truthful, Adesanya didn't look great.

Tom Brady tells Erin Andrews he knows he’s ‘not going to play another 10 years’

Tom Brady tells Erin Andrews he knows he’s ‘not going to play another 10 years’

There won’t be any Tom Brady spirals whipping around Gillette Stadium in 2028.

Ahead of the Patriots victory over the Colts on Thursday, the 41-year-old New England quarterback told Fox Sports’ Erin Andrews he will not hold the same job title at 51.

Brady noted that when he was 25, he thought his NFL career would last forever. Today, he has a wife and kids living their lives and knows they won’t get these days back.

“When you’re 41 you think, oh man, I’ve got kids and there’s a school play,” Brady said. “I gotta be there for that because they’re not going to be 10 years old again. Or eight years old or five years old. I know I’m not going to play another 10 years, you know, and I think every year is just a little bit different. As you get older, there’s a lot of other things happening in your life that you’ve got to figure out how to balance.”

Extreme global weather is 'the face of climate change' says leading scientist


Exclusive: Prof Michael Mann declares the impacts of global warming are now ‘playing out in real-time’

The extreme heatwaves and wildfires wreaking havoc around the globe are “the face of climate change,” one of the world’s leading climate scientists has declared, with the impacts of global warming now “playing out in real time.”

Climate change has long been predicted to increase extreme weather incidents, and scientists are now confident these predictions are coming true. Scientists say the global warming has contributed to the scorching temperatures that have baked the UK and northern Europe for weeks.

The hot spell was made more than twice as likely by climate change, a new analysis found, demonstrating an “unambiguous” link.

Extreme weather has struck across Europe, from the Arctic Circle to Greece, and across the world, from North America to Japan. “This is the face of climate change,” said Prof Michael Mann, at Penn State University, and one the world’s most eminent climate scientists. “We literally would not have seen these extremes in the absence of climate change.”

“The impacts of climate change are no longer subtle,” he told the Guardian. “We are seeing them play out in real time and what is happening this summer is a perfect example of that.”

“We are seeing our predictions come true,” he said. “As a scientist that is reassuring, but as a citizen of planet Earth, it is very distressing to see that as it means we have not taken the necessary action.”

The rapid scientific assessment of the northern European heatwave was done by Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and also colleagues in the World Weather Attribution (WWA) consortium. “We can see the fingerprints of climate change on local extremes,” he said.

The current heatwave has been caused by an extraordinary stalling of the jet stream wind, which usually funnels cool Atlantic weather over the continent. This has left hot, dry air in place for two months – far longer than usual. The stalling of the northern hemisphere jet stream is being increasingly firmly linked to global warming, in particular to the rapid heating of the Arctic and resulting loss of sea ice.

Prof Mann said that asking if climate change “causes” specific events is the wrong question: “The relevant question is: ‘Is climate change impacting these events and making them more extreme?’, and we can say with great confidence that it is.”

Mann points out that the link between smoking tobacco and lung cancer is a statistical one, which does not prove every cancer was caused by smoking, but epidemiologists know that smoking greatly increases the risk. “That is enough to say that, for all practical purposes, there is a causal connection between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer and it is the same with climate change,” Mann said.

Other senior scientists agree the link is clear. Serious climate change is “unfolding before our eyes”, said Prof Rowan Sutton, at the University of Reading. “No one should be in the slightest surprised that we are seeing very serious heatwaves and associated impacts in many parts of the world.”

 It is not too late to make the significant cuts needed in greenhouse gas emissions, said Mann, because the impacts progressively worsen as global warming increases.

“It is not going off a cliff, it is like walking out into a minefield,” he said. “So the argument it is too late to do something would be like saying: ‘I’m just going to keep walking’. That would be absurd – you reverse course and get off that minefield as quick as you can. It is really a question of how bad it is going to get.”

How Your Personality Affects Your Health

Are you hostile or relaxed, stressed or social? Your traits play an important role in your well-being.

Could your personality kill you—or might it make you live longer? Could it give you heart disease, or protect you from illness? Could it push you toward or away from doctor appointments? Personality traits play a distinct role in determining how healthy we are, psychologists say. "Everything is related to everything else. How stressed or angry you are, and how you interact with the world, is contingent in large part on your personality style," says Michael Miller, editor in chief of the Harvard Mental Health Letter. "And that is going to have an enormous impact on your health."

Here's a look at common personality types and traits and how each can help or hurt your health (sometimes both):


One of the aspects of the impatient, hard-charging Type A personality that is known to increase heart disease risk is hostility. Hostile people eat and smoke more and exercise less than other personality types, says Redford Williams, head of behavioral medicine at Duke University Medical Center and author of Anger Kills. They're likelier to be overweight in middle age and have higher cholesterol and blood pressure. Williams's past research suggests hostile people are also more likely to develop irregular heart rhythms, and to die before reaching their 50s. Most of these problems can be traced back to elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well as increased inflammation in the walls of the coronary arteries, which leads to a greater risk of heart attack. No personality is set in stone, however, and Type A's can be taught how to take the edge off their hostility. Hostile heart patients who attend workshops that teach coping skills, for instance, have a lower incidence of depression and healthier blood pressure than Type A's who don't go. The key, Williams says, is learning how to communicate more clearly and how to control anger and other negative emotions. He suggests asking yourself four questions when you get angry: Is this issue truly important? Is what I'm feeling appropriate to the facts? Can I modify the situation in a positive way? Is taking such action worth it? Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can damp hostility with a layer of calm.


Because Type A personalities are defined by competitiveness, a drive to succeed, and a sense of urgency, they are prone to take risks and act without thinking, neither of which is likely to improve health. Non-Type A's can be impulsive, too. Such people are often not as well-grounded as others, says Robin Belamaric, a clinical psychologist in Bethesda, Md.: "They'll look at an opportunity that comes along and say, 'Hmm, that sounds like fun,' whereas another, more thoughtful person, will say, 'I'm going to pass, because I'm not sure it's the best idea.' "


If you're a Type B, you roll with the punches. You're relaxed, take life a day a time, and handle stress without cracking. That translates to a higher quality of life and lower likelihood of heart disease—less anxiety strengthens the immune system. The more we chill, the better off we are, says Miller: "You don't want to get locked into a stressful, tense state of mind." Over the long term, he adds, relaxing and managing stress effectively will lengthen your life, help your heart and gastrointestinal system, and just make you feel better overall.


People who are outgoing, involved in their communities, and have strong social connections reap health benefits. An analysis of 148 studies published in the online journal PLoS medicine in July found that on average, adults enrolled in a study with many close friendships were 50 percent likelier to survive until their study ended than were those with few friendships. And a 2009 study published in Perspectives in Psychological Science suggests that social support leads to improved coping skills, healthy behavior, and adherence to medical regimens. Bonding with others also reduces stress and improves the immune system—so making friends and getting involved becomes, in effect, a well-being tonic. What drives at least some of the health benefits goes beyond biology, Miller says. "It may have to do with the fact that when you're around people, you think, 'Oh, Martha has gone for her mammogram—that reminds me, I should, too.' "

Eager to please

People-pleasers—Type C's—are conforming, passive, and want to accommodate. That can be a good thing when it comes to patient compliance: They're more likely to take the right medicines in the right doses at the right times, for instance—once they see a doctor, that is. Making and following through on appointments can be challenging for Type C's, who tend to accept their fate as inevitable and fall readily into hopelessness and helplessness. That means others must push them to take care of themselves. "They may be less likely to maintain their health on their own," Belamaric says. "If they develop a problem, they may just complain about it, hoping somebody says, 'I have a good doctor, I'll make you an appointment.' " Some Type C's may be so mired that they don't seek medical attention—even when it's clearly necessary—and slough off preventive behaviors, like watching what they eat. "If they get a serious diagnosis, they may be passive, throw their hands up, and say, 'Well, there's nothing I can do about it, anyway. If it's my time, it's my time,' " Belamaric says.

Stressed and distressed

Type D's—D is for distressed—dwell on negative emotions and are afraid to express themselves in social situations. Compared to more optimistic sorts, a Type D may face three times the risk for future heart problems, according to a recent study in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Type D's also face a higher likelihood of compulsive overeating and substance abuse. "If you're a person who is prone to depression or anxiety, or if you're overly self-critical, there's more of a chance of turning to gratifying behavior to feel better," Miller says.

['Type D' Personality: How Distress Affects Your Health]

Optimistic versus pessimistic

Optimism "heavily influences physical and mental health," concluded a study published in May in the journal Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health after researchers followed more than 500 males for 15 years. The rate of heart-related deaths was 50 percent lower among optimists than among pessimists. "Optimists have a higher quality of life, and they may be more resilient in the way they deal with stress," Miller says. "So if a problem comes along, they're able to handle it better, and they become less symptomatic." Glass-half-empty types harbor little hope for the future and tend more toward depression and anxiety disorders. But there's a catch for those at the extreme end of the optimism spectrum: They think of themselves as impervious to risks. Extreme optimists who smoke are the best examples. They believe they won't develop lung cancer. Why give up smoking to prevent a nonexistent risk?

The "self-healing personality"

That is the name Howard Friedman, a professor of psychology at the University of California-Riverside, attaches to people who are curious, secure, constructive, responsive, and conscientious. These traits translate to enthusiasm for life, emotional balance, and strong social relationships. "Positive emotions buffer hormonal responses to stress," says Friedman, who studies the relationship between personality and longevity. Self-healers, he says, "have healthier behavior patterns: more physical activity, a better diet, and less smoking and substance abuse."

[ 7 Myths About Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder]

RCB host Sunrisers in must-win contest

RCB host Sunrisers in must-win contest 

Kohli is one of RCB's key players as far as the batting in concerned.

Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) will take on already-qualified table toppers Sunrisers Hyderabad in a must-win Indian Premier League (IPL) encounter here on Thursday with their playoffs chances hanging by a thread.

After registering successive victories over Delhi Daredevils and Kings XI Punjab, the Virat Kohli-led RCB are a rejuvenated unit while SRH have been the team to beat this season, having won nine matches out of 12.

RCB are still languishing at the second last position on the table, while SRH are on top of the table with 18 points.

RCB lost seven of their 12 matches so far but the recent turnaround have rekindled hopes of a possible shot at the play-offs albeit some other results also going their way.

Kohli and ace South African batsman AB De Villiers are RCB's key players as far as the batting in concerned.

The pair have combined to pile up nearly half of RCB's total runs this season but the side needs bigger contributions from the likes of Moeen Ali and Corey Anderson.

Kohli has led from the front with 514 runs in 12 games.

De Villiers (358 runs) is next to him, although he has played two games less than the Indian captain.

RCB's bowling is spearheaded by India pacer Umesh Yadav who has looked in inspired form this term.

Umesh has delivered for the team, taking 17 wickets so far.

Coming to the away side, SRH depend quite a lot on opener Shikhar Dhawan (369 runs) and skipper Kane Williamson (544 runs) for inspiration.

Williamson has been a top leader since David Warner was ruled out of the IPL due to his role in the ball tampering incident.

The New Zealand captain would look to consolidate the team's top spot and ensure a top-two finish at the end of the league stage.

Apart from Dhawan and Williamson, Yusuf Pathan (186), Manish Pandey (189) and Shakib-Al-Hasan (166) have also chipped in at crunch situations for SRH.

The former champions' bowling has been their strength with the likes of Siddharth Kaul (13 wickets), Bhuvneshwar Kumar (8), Sandeep Sharma (8), leg-spinner Rashid Khan (13) and Shakib-Al-Hasan (12) adding a lot of variety to their arsenal.

Deals: Apple HomePod on sale for $329 today only; 13" MacBook Air from $869; $240 off 2017 27" iMac 5K

Deals: Apple HomePod on sale for $329 today only; 13" MacBook Air from $869; $240 off 2017 27" iMac 5K

Monday deals have arrived and if you've been waiting to purchase an Apple HomePod, today is your chance to save $20 instantly with no tax outside NY and NJ. Two popular Mid 2017 27" iMac 5K systems are also $240 off with our exclusive coupon, while current 13" MacBook Airs are $130 to $200 off instantly.

$20 off Apple's HomePod today only

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Today only, Apple authorized reseller Adorama is knocking $20 off Apple's HomePod in Space Gray. Now $329.00 with the special pricing links in this post, this instant discount offers shoppers the lowest price available from an authorized reseller, according to our Smart Speaker Price Guide. What's more, Adorama will not collect sales tax on orders shipped outside New York and New Jersey, potentially saving shoppers another $30 on average. This special offer ends today, April 30.

2017 13" MacBook Air from $869

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Amazon is also discounting Apple's current 13-inch MacBook Air this Monday. Save $130 instantly on the standard 1.8GHz, 8GB, 128GB config, bringing the price down to $869.00 while supplies last. Those looking for additional storage can also save $200 on the 256GB model at Amazon (now on sale for $999.00). Both configs also qualify for no interest if paid in full within 12 months using the Store Card. A great graduation gift idea, these deals match the lowest prices available from an Apple authorized reseller.

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On sale for $2,059.00 with coupon code APINSIDER | Adorama
($240 off + no tax outside NY and NJ & 0% financing offer*)
*Price with coupon code APINSIDER. System qualifies for no interest if paid in full within 12 months using the Adorama Credit Card. Adorama will not collect sales tax on orders shipped outside NY & NJ. Need help? Send us a note at and we will do our best to assist.

Rounding out our list of top deals is an offer available only at AppleInsider. Shoppers today can exclusively save an additional $40 on two popular Mid 2017 27-inch iMac 5K all-in-one desktops with promo code APINSIDER (in addition to a $200 instant rebate). Both the standard model and an upgraded config, which is equipped with a faster 3.8GHz processor, as well as a 2TB Fusion Drive and top-of-the-line Radeon 580 graphics, are $240 off with the systems priced at $1,559 and $2,059 respectively. What's more, Adorama will not collect sales tax on orders shipped outside New York and New Jersey, saving many shoppers $385 to $425 on average compared to buying from Apple. You don't have to forgo special financing either as Adorama is also including no interest if paid in full within 12 months using the Adorama Credit Card. According to our 27-inch iMac 5K Price Guide, this exclusive offer provides shoppers with the lowest price available from an Apple authorized reseller by at least $50.

Additional 27" iMac 5K deals
27" iMac 5K (3.4GHz 8GB 1TB FUS Radeon 570)
On sale for $1,599.00 | B&H
($200 off + no tax outside NY and NJ*)
27" iMac 5K (3.5GHz 8GB 1TB FUS Radeon 575)
On sale for $1,859.00 | B&H
($140 off + no tax outside NY and NJ*)
* B&H will not collect sales tax on orders shipped outside NY & NJ. CO and VT residents, see here.
See even more 27-inch iMac 5K deals...

Add AppleCare+
You can easily tack on an AppleCare extended protection plan to these 27-inch iMac 5Ks for $169 by selecting the AppleCare option immediately after you press the "Add to Cart" button on Adorama's website.

Additional Apple Deals

AppleInsider and Apple authorized resellers are also running a handful of additional exclusive promotions this month on Apple hardware that will not only deliver the lowest prices on many of the items, but also throw in discounts on AppleCare, software and accessories. These deals are as follows:

  •     Deal #1: $350-$500 off iMac Pros + no tax in 48 states
  •     Deal #2: $70-$170 off 2017 13" MacBook Pros with Touch Bar + no tax in 48 states
  •     Deal #3: Lowest Prices Ever on closeouts Macs + no tax in 48 states
  •     Deal #4: $50-$100 off 2017 13" MacBook Pros with function keys + no tax in 48 states
  •     Deal #5: Free Apple TV 4K with 3 months of DirecTV Now

See if there is a Mac, iPad, Apple Watch or Certified Used iPhone deal that will save you $100s by checking out and

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