What is a Trojan Virus?

What is a Trojan Virus?

A Trojan horse or Trojan is a type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software. Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems. Users are typically tricked by some form of social engineering into loading and executing Trojans on their systems. Once activated, Trojans can enable cyber-criminals to spy on you, steal your sensitive data, and gain backdoor access to your system. These actions can include:
  • Deleting data
  • Blocking data
  • Modifying data
  • Copying data
  • Disrupting the performance of computers or computer networks

Unlike computer viruses and worms, Trojans are not able to self-replicate.

How Trojans can impact you

Trojans are classified according to the type of actions that they can perform on your computer:

  • Backdoor 

    A backdoor Trojan gives malicious users remote control over the infected computer. They enable the author to do anything they wish on the infected computer – including sending, receiving, launching and deleting files, displaying data and rebooting the computer. Backdoor Trojans are often used to unite a group of victim computers to form a botnet or zombie network that can be used for criminal purposes.
  • Exploit 

    Exploits are programs that contain data or code that takes advantage of a vulnerability within application software that’s running on your computer.
  • Rootkit 

    Rootkits are designed to conceal certain objects or activities in your system. Often their main purpose is to prevent malicious programs being detected – in order to extend the period in which programs can run on an infected computer.
  • Trojan-Banker 

    Trojan-Banker programs are designed to steal your account data for online banking systems, e-payment systems and credit or debit cards.
  • Trojan-DDoS 

    These programs conduct DoS (Denial of Service) attacks against a targeted web address. By sending multiple requests – from your computer and several other infected computers – the attack can overwhelm the target address… leading to a denial of service.
  • Trojan-Downloader  

    Trojan-Downloaders can download and install new versions of malicious programs onto your computer – including Trojans and adware.
  • Trojan-Dropper  

    These programs are used by hackers in order to install Trojans and / or viruses – or to prevent the detection of malicious programs. Not all antivirus programs are capable of scanning all of the components inside this type of Trojan.
  • Trojan-FakeAV  

    Trojan-FakeAV programs simulate the activity of antivirus software. They are designed to extort money from you – in return for the detection and removal of threats… even though the threats that they report are actually non-existent.
  • Trojan-GameThief 

    This type of program steals user account information from online gamers.
  • Trojan-IM 

    Trojan-IM programs steal your logins and passwords for instant messaging programs – such as ICQ, MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Pager, Skype and many more.
  • Trojan-Ransom 

    This type of Trojan can modify data on your computer – so that your computer doesn’t run correctly or you can no longer use specific data. The criminal will only restore your computer’s performance or unblock your data, after you have paid them the ransom money that they demand.
  • Trojan-SMS 

    These programs can cost you money – by sending text messages from your mobile device to premium rate phone numbers.
  • Trojan-Spy  

    Trojan-Spy programs can spy on how you’re using your computer – for example, by tracking the data you enter via your keyboard, taking screen shots or getting a list of running applications.
  • Trojan-Mailfinder 

    These programs can harvest email addresses from your computer.
  • Other types of Trojans include:
    • Trojan-ArcBomb
    • Trojan-Clicker
    • Trojan-Notifier
    • Trojan-Proxy
    • Trojan-PSW 

How to protect yourself against Trojans

By installing effective anti-malware software, you can defend your devices – including PCs, laptops, Macs, tablets and smartphones – against Trojans. A rigorous anti-malware solution – such as Kaspersky Anti-Virus – will detect and prevent Trojan attacks on your PC, while Kaspersky Mobile Security can deliver world-class virus protection for Android smartphones. Kaspersky Lab has anti-malware products that defend the following devices against Trojans:
  • Windows PCs
  • Linux computers
  • Apple Macs
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets

Ransomware virus

Ransomware - Definition, Prevention and Removal

             Ransomware Trojans are a type of cyberware that is designed to extort money from a victim. Often, Ransomware will demand a payment in order to undo changes that the Trojan virus has made to the victim’s computer. These changes can include:
  • Encrypting data that is stored on the victim’s disk – so the victim can no longer access the information
  • Blocking normal access to the victim’s system

How Ransomware gets onto a computer

   The most common ways in which Ransomware Trojans are installed are:
  • Via phishing emails
  • As a result of visiting a website that contains a malicious program
After the Trojan has been installed, it will either encrypt information that’s stored on the victim’s computer or block the computer from running normally – while also leaving a ransom message that demands the payment of a fee, in order to decrypt the files or restore the system. In most cases, the ransom message will appear when the user restarts their computer after the infection has taken effect.

Ransomware methods – around the world

Across the world, Ransomware is increasing in popularity. However, the ransom messages and methods of extorting money may differ across different regions. For example:

  • Fake messages about unlicensed applications

              In some countries, the Trojans often claim to have identified unlicensed software that is running on the victim's computer. The message then asks for payment.

  • False claims about illegal content

               In nations where software piracy is less common, this approach is not as successful for the cybercriminal. Instead, the Ransomware popup message may pretend to be from a law enforcement agency and will claim to have found child pornography or other illegal content on the computer. The message will be accompanied by a demand to pay a fine.

Protecting yourself against Ransomware and Cyber Blackmail

To learn more about protection against Trojans, worms and viruses, please click on the links:



Amazing Places to Visit in Madagascar

It is not in the top 10 most visited countries in Africa but Madagascar is close to be in the list. The country has gone quite popular to the tourists thanks to a cartoon hit of the same name and it features mostly African animals. But, if only people can be more open to African destinations, this country is well worth visiting. The national parks are well-maintained and almost all the attractions in this Madagascar travel guide are natural and scenic. Give it a go and you will not regret your decision.

1. Ambohimanga

Ambohimanga is a tourist destination and one of the places to visit in Madagascar. The place is a royal hill which is also known as a “rova” or a royal fortification structure. Its location is 24 kilometers away from the city center, the capital of Madagascar which is Antananarivo. The Ambohimanga Royal Hill is a very important cultural symbol for the Merina people of the Merina Kingdom and UNESCO has designated it as a World Heritage Site – Royal Hill of Ambohimanga.

2. Peyrieras Reptile Reserve

The Peyrieras Reptile Reserve is also called the Madagascar Exotic or the Peyrieras Nature Farm. This place is a privately owned zoo and was created by French entomologist Andre Peyrieras. From Antananarivo, you have to 75 kilometers east and travel time can be anywhere from 90 minutes to two hours depending upon the National Road N2 condition. It is a very popular tourist spot with lots of reptiles to display like the different kinds of chameleons, frogs, geckos, insects, snakes, and more.

3. Zahamena National Park

The country has many national parks and one of which that stands out among the rest is the Zahamena National Park. This park was launched back in 1997 with a total area of 423 square kilometers. The nearest city center to the Zahamena is Antanandava city. UNESCO took an interest on this park in 2007 and recognized the national park as a World Heritage Site. It has criteria of ix and x which by the way are the highest criteria when it comes to natural places

4. Rova of Antananarivo

If Ambohimanga has a rova, then, Antananarivo has one too and it was once the home of the royal family in Madagascar. It was in the 1600’s and 1700’s when the Rova of Antananarivo was significantly in use and to make it more appealing, the rova was built on top of a hill, the Analamanga hill. It is one of the places to visit in Madagascar. The rova was a complex with a lot of additions over the years like chapel, tombs, houses, villas, wooden dwellings and more but the fire of 1995 destroyed most everything within it. What are left are some structures in the chapel.

5. Botanical and Zoological Garden of Tsimbazaza

The Botanical and Zoological Garden of Tsimbazaza, also called the Tsimbazaza Zoo, is a botanical garden that also functions as a zoological center. It is located at the town of Tsimbazaza in Antananarivo of Madagascar. They launched the botanical and zoological garden in 1990 and people are just fond of visiting the place. It has unique plants and animals within like the ancient elephant bird skeleton and remnants of pygmy hippos. The plants contained in this garden have reached up to 80,000 which is the largest of such by far in all of Madagascar.

6. Marojejy National Park

The Marojejy National Park is another national park and tourist destination in the country that people love to go to. It has a total area of 55,500 hectares or 214 square miles while resting on a mountain range, the Marojejy Massif. Back in the fifties, the attraction was a strict nature reserve and only scientists were able to get in. As of the nineties, they opened the place up and established it as a national park. UNESCO included the Marojejy National Park as a World Heritage Site under the inscription of Rainforests of the Atsinanana.

7. Nosy Mangabe Reserve

Madagascar has small islands all over the country and one of those islands that tourists frequent is the Nosy Mangabe. The Nosy Mangabe Reserve is about two kilometers away from the nearest town which is Maroantsetra and it lies within the boundaries of the Antongil Bay. It is one of the places to visit in Madagascar. This tiny island with an area of 5.2 square kilometers is part of the Masoala National Park. It was launched back in 1965 and IUCN categorized it as IV (habitat and species management area).

8. Andohahela National Park

The Andohahela National Park in an IUCN Category II national park and it was launched in 1998. The Madagascar National Parks Association handles the affairs of the Andohahela National Park and all in all, it has an area of 760 square kilometers. The nearest city to the park is Fort Dauphin and it is one of the last humid rain forests in the country. Like the Marojejy National Park, it is also part of UNESCO’s Rainforests of the Atsinanana inscription.

9. Amber Mountain National Park

When in Diana Region of Madagascar, you have to go to the Amber Mountain National Park. This IUCN Category II national park spans at 182 square kilometers and was opened as a national park in 1958. There are waterfalls and crater lakes within the park. Also, a rich diversity of plants and animals live within and thrive in the park. It has orchids, ferns and different kinds of trees. As for the animal residents, the Amber Mountain rock thrush and the Amber Mountain leaf chameleon live there, among many others.

10. Parc Ivoloina

Parc Ivoloina is a zoological park in Madagascar which is located near Toamasina City. You can visit the place with or without a tour guide; it really is up to you. But, management does suggest that it is better to have a guide since they can explain the history of the park and everything within it in a very fun way. Day tours and night tours are open all days of the year without break and they offer sleeping accommodations should you wish to explore the park at night. It is one of the places to visit in Madagascar.

11. Lemurs’ Park

Lemurs’ Park is a lemur reserve and botanical garden rolled into one. It is situated a few minutes away from Antananarivo or 22 kilometers, to be exact. Laurent Amouric and Maxime Allorge launched the park back in 2000 with at least nine species of lemur moving about freely within the sanctuary. They also take care of reptiles in the park like chameleons, tortoises and iguanas. From Antananarivo, there is a shuttle bus going to the park and tourists can book that ride.

12. Ankarafantsika National Park

The Ankarafantsika National Park is part of the Boeny Region in the country with a total area of 135,000 hectares or 520 square miles. IUCN recognized this as a Category II national park which is being managed by Madagascar National Parks Association and was instituted in 1927. The park is a woodland tropical forest and there are native/ethnic people living in the vicinity. These people are the Sakalava and they have been in the area for decades.

13. Avenue of the Baobabs

Baobabs are magnanimous trees which are found in Madagascar, Oman, Yemen and Malaysia. Not all countries in the world have this unique tree and since the giant baobab is common in Menabe, people come here and visit the attraction. The government is exhausting all efforts in making the Avenue of the Baobabs the first natural monument of the country and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests since 2007 have been doing all sorts of work to achieve that status. Let’s wait and see.

14. Isalo National Park

When in Isalo National Park, your visit in restricted with a tour guide per group otherwise, you won’t be allowed to explore the area. It is 815 square kilometers all in all and belongs in the Ihorombe Region of the country. These tourist guides have to be paid and you can book them in Ranohira, the nearest town with Isalo National Park. The fee is minimal and worth it as you will see 82 species of birds, 33 reptile beings, 15 different types of frogs, and 14 mammalian animals. It is one of the places to visit in Madagascar.

15. Ranomafana National Park

The most famous tourist attraction and national park in Madagascar is the Ranomafana National Park. It is 161 square miles of rainforest – a World Heritage Site, according to UNESCO and is part of the inscription, Rainforests of the Atsinanana. Rare animals live in the park like the Golden bamboo lemur, black and white ruffed lemur, blue vangas and brown mesites. Are you fond of frogs? Well, there are at least 130 species of frogs here and you can sleep in one of the rooms provided by the management for tourists who want to stay overnight.

15 Places to visit in Nigeria


Best Places to Visit in Nigeria

Nigeria is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. The land is very rich in natural resources like trees and lush vegetation. As for the people, they are very welcoming of visitors coming from all over the globe. Their culture is also one of their proudest possessions – everywhere you look, you will see natives wearing their tribal clothing and they will flash you that big smile. To know more about what to see in Nigeria, here is a Nigeria travel guide. Enjoy!

1. Lagos Island

This island lies in the Lagos Lagoon and it is one of the places to visit in Nigeria. You can reach Lagos Island by using three large bridges that connect to the mainland. The three bridges lead to different districts. The first one leads to Ebute Metta, another to Victoria Island and lastly, one leads to Ikoyi. It also caters to different kinds of faith as it has Catholic and Anglican Churches and even Muslim Mosques. One thing you should note is that most banks in Nigeria have their HQ’s here in Lagos Island.

2. Oguta Lake

Visit the South eastern part of Nigeria and you’ll see this beautiful Oguta Lake. This is the largest lake in the Imo state that has alluvium, a component needed for better fertile lands. Situated in Oguta, this lake is five miles long. However, the lake is not only famous as a tourist spot. Locals of Oguta also use it for fishing, the water for various reasons, for their sewerage needs and for travelers like you who wants to take lake pictures. People here believe that a certain Goddess called Uhamiri guards the lake.

3. Nigerian National Museum

Museums are great sources of history and knowledge. This is why the magnificent Nigerian National Museum is situated in Lagos. Built in 1957, it can teach people of any nationality the history and culture of Nigeria. You will be able to witness the Terra-Cotta head more known as the Jemaa head. You will also see statues, carvings, and exhibits on the ethnographic abilities of the Nigerians. Many archaeological displays also are in the museum. See all the exhibits at Onikan, Lagos Island, where the museum is located.

4. Old Oyo National Park

You can visit this gorgeous national park which is 51 miles north of the city of Ibadan. You’ll be able to enjoy the vast 970 square miles of the part which is a combination of forest reserve, game reserve, and with a unique ecosystem that contributed to the declaration of this place being a national park. This destination is among of the places to visit in Nigeria since you will see creatures like the rock python and land tortoise here at Old Oyo National Park. You’ll never run out of tourist sights to see here. Even cultural monuments like the great Agbaku Cave, the Akesan Market, and the Alaafin’s Palace are also located within this national park.

5. Kainji National Park

This is another national park in Nigeria. The Kainji National Park is part of the Kainji Lake. However, fishing is not allowed here. You can reach this place by going travelling northeast. Do wear light clothing when you get here as it can be really hot when the sun is high. This national park has bucks going around the place and if you’re lucky, the elephants come back to this are which happens only every 24 months. Hippopotamuses also roam the rivers which makes the place more enchanting for visitors.

6. Lake Chad

Lake Chad has a number of countries that surround it namely, Chad, Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria. When you visit this place, you’ll see that this is the largest lake in the Chad Basin. The lake used to be a very big lake but has since degenerated into a smaller body of water. This is the lake that spawns many wild Spirulina which is a rumored to be wonder algae. The lake has many floating islands too where land animals such as hyenas and elephants also live.

7. Kamuku National Park

The Kamuku National Park has great lush vegetation that allows a variety of animals to live in it. If you ever try to visit this place, you’ll lose yourself looking for green monkeys, baboons, hartebeests, elephants, roan antelopes and so much more. Birds like the secretary bird and ground hornbills may also be spotted in this national park. Visiting this place entitles you to explore its 1,120 square kilometer area that is mostly savannah. It is one of the places to visit in Nigeria.

8. Victoria Island

If you want to see a more developed part of the country, you can visit Victoria Island. It is the business and financial center of Lagos, Nigeria. You can go here and expect the city to be as busy as New York. As such, it is one of the most expensive places to live in Nigeria. Many international companies already have taken office in the island. You’ll see the offices of HP or Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and even Halliburton. Tourists are also welcome to visit the British International School of Lagos.

9. Gashaka-Gumti National Park

Imagine being in a park that is more than 6,000 square kilometers. This is the Gashaka-Gumti National Park and it is the largest park in all of Nigeria. The park has swamps, woodlands, savannahs, grasslands and a vast variety of ecosystems. As this place has a rich variety of wildlife, you can see the animals like the giant forest hog, the golden cats, and leopards. Look further and you’ll see the world’s largest antelope which is named the Giant Eland. Gangirwal, the highest mountain in Nigeria, is also within this park. It measures 2,400 meters above sea level.

10. Abuja National Mosque

The Abuja National Mosque represents how diversified the faith is in Nigeria. Built in the 1980’s, it has a great hall that can sit 500 people at once. The mosque also has a golden dome and it is sure to catch the eyes of travellers and locals, alike. You can also learn in the religious school that is incorporated in the mosque – it is called a Madrasah. It also has a library dedicated to Islam, perfect for learning the religion’s rich history and growth. You can visit this place at the National Christian Center complex. Pretty ironic, don’t you think?

11. Chad Basin National Park

Northeast of the country is the Chad Basin National Park – it is one of the places to visit in Nigeria. The 2,258 square kilometer area of the park is divided into three sectors. The first sector is the Borno State. There is also one in the Yobe State, and finally, one in Nigeria. Each sector caters to different attractions. However, this place can be visited only with the help of off-road vehicles. You can watch the black crowned crane and there are some white storks here. Migrating elephants can also be spotted at time. Local and international authorities are definitely against poaching here.

12. Cross River National Park

One can spot this national park at Cross River Estate. The Cross River National Park is divided into two sections: the Okwangwo and the Oban. This enormous park is home to many species and is hailed as a hotspot for biodiversity. If you visit the oldest rainforest in the country, you’ll be able to see cross river gorilla and chimpanzees. What’s more is that this is hailed as the Pride of Nigeria. Be in awe of sights like the Kwa Falls, the Agbpkim falls, and a deep plunge pool previously hidden from sight.

13. Zuma Rock

Forget about colored marbles and check out this great monolith in Nigeria. Amazingly, this monolith named Zuma Rock is 725 feet and one remarkable thing about it is that Zuma Rock has been used for defense in ancient wars. Many myths have come and gone because of this monolith’s face-like formation – it’s up to you to believe it or not. You just have to go up north in Abuja and you’ll be able to see this magnificent wall rock.

14. Olumo Rock

The Olumo Rock is a very popular tourist attraction in Nigeria. You just have to travel by car and spend a few hours on the road before you can reach this place. This rock is situated 137 meters above sea level and the locals are very friendly. They will tell and share stories with you. Some will even show you different dyeing techniques. Locals call this dyeing technique as “Adire.” You will also see beads, bracelets, and other accessories made by locals. The trip usually consists of you climbing up to the peak which is mostly man-carved rocks

15. Yankari National Park

The Yankari National Park spans over 2, 244 square kilometers of land. You can see savannahs, swamps, grasslands and mostly thick bushes. Because of the rich environments and varied ecosystems, you’ll witness different animals roaming around, as well. This includes the African bush elephant, waterbuck, bushbuck, tantalus monkeys and a whole lot more. In addition, you can also see different evidences of early human settlements in the Dukkey Wells, Marshall Caves, which is a rock called Tunge Dutse that has engravings, and some Iron Smeltings in the Shau Shau smelting works. It is definitely one of the places to visit in Nigeria

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