15 Places to visit in Rwanda

15 Places to visit in Rwanda

Amazing Places to Visit in Rwanda

Africa is a very large continent and everything in it is not just interesting. It is like a dream come true for those who have the thirst for travelling and venturing into the great unknown – visiting Rwanda. It is not a posh place to be in, no. If you are ready to get your hands dirty and to sweat it out with so much fun in Rwanda, postpone the visit. But, if you know that you will be within meters from elephants, rhinos, golden monkeys or be in national parks, then, this Rwanda travel guide will work for you.

1. Nyamata Genocide Memorial Centre

This part of Rwanda calls for empathy for the fallen, the Nyamata Genocide Memorial Centre. It is one of the places to visit in Rwanda. You will be seeing the spot where almost 50,000 people have died trying to get away from their enemies. This spot has a church with many bored holes in it. These holes are from grenades that were supposedly dropped and have killed a lot of people in the area. Even today, you will still be able to see the bullet holes and the blood stained altar cloth that remains in the vicinity. A memorial was put up to help people and tourists empathize with the fallen.

2. King’s Palace Museum

You can visit the King’s Palace Museum after you travel 88 kilometers south of the city of Kigali. This was the former Royal Palace of King Mutara III Rudahigwa. As such, you’ll be able to witness the magnificence of the structure that used to be the traditional palace. One can experience and understand the intricacies of the royal lineage of the Rwandan Monarchy, as well. To preserve the feel for tourists, this site was restored using only natural and traditional materials. As an extra, you’ll see the “inyambos” or long horned cows, too!

3. Mgahinga National Park

The Mgahinga National Park will give you one of the greatest times of your life here in Rwanda! You’ll be able to see gorillas and other exotic animals. If you’re very lucky, you’ll also be able to see the golden monkeys which are a part of an endangered species list. This national park lies across the borders of Rwanda, Uganda and others because of the present volcanic range. Perhaps, the view is more breathtaking than the animals living here. You’ll get a picture perfect scene with three volcanoes as your backdrop.

4. Presidential Palace Museum

A little travel from the Kigali Airport and a few minutes will take you to the Presidential Palace Museum – it is one of the places to visit in Rwanda. Don’t worry, though. The 2 kilometer “travel” will be worth it. In this place, you’ll witness the royal palace that served as the home for Juvenal Habyarimana and Pasteur Bizimungu. They lived here during the ‘70s and up until the ‘90s. This museum is fairly new but still holds a whiff of elegance and ancient history feel. The different exhibits will tell you about Rwanda’s history and all about the state house. You can also see the remains of the flight of the FALCON 50, the presidential plane which went down on the 6th of April, 1994.

5. Lake Ruhondo

Lake Ruhondo is actually one part of the Twin Lakes. The other part is Lake Burera. You’ll see this magnificent lake near the Ruhengeri, a gorilla-tracking center. As you go here, you can see how the natives to this place do their living. They mainly rely on the lake for fishing. If you want to reach the island, you can do so by riding a dugout canoe or the different boats around it. When in the island, you can enjoy its wetland habitat, diverse species of water birds, and one of the most breathtaking landscapes you’ve ever seen.


6. Mount Gahinga

This magnificent volcano cannot harm you since it is dormant. Still, Mount Gahinga is one of the best tourist attractions in the country and it sits between the border of Uganda and Rwanda. If you want to reach the peak, you’d have to climb almost 3,474 meters. What’s more is that it is part of an 8-chain volcano range. You can approach the mountain to see the dynamic lives of the mountain gorillas. As such, you’ll also be able to see the different animals and birds within. Plus, you will have another peek at the golden monkeys! It is one of the places to visit in Rwanda

7. Mount Karisimbi

Mount Karisimbi is an inactive volcano is part of the Virunga mountain range. You can feel the power of the mountain for it is the highest of the eight mountains in the vicinity. Towering at 4,507 meters, it easily gives the other mountains a hard time to catch up. Mount Karisimbi is also the 11th highest mountain in all of Africa. It is named Karisimbi because it roughly means snow. This is because when you visit this place in the months of June, July and, August, you can see snow forming at the peak.

8. Mount Bisoke

After dismounting at the nearby village of Goma, you travel 35km northeast to see Mt. Bisoke. What is terrific about this volcano is that it has the largest crater of all the 8 volcanoes that were once very active. This mountain hails between two national parks and this is why many wilderness businesses like logging, farming and mining are not allowed in the area. You’ll see that this place is popular because of the peak. This is why many people come here to become mountaineers.

9. Kandt House Museum of Natural History

Kandt is a German name and thus, the Kandt House Museum of Natural History was born. This place was rightfully named after the German explorer and doctor, Richard Kandt. His house was turned into a museum last 2006 and you can see how his life evolved in Rwanda. Also, there is a great detail on the flora and fauna of the mountains that oversee the natural parks. Rwanda and Germany have thorough recollections of their venture to explain the relation of their nature and history. Out of all the places, this spot gives you the best view of the three major mountains in the country.

10. Ethnographic Museum – Rwanda

The Ethnographic Museum – Rwanda was the former National Museum of Rwanda. It is one of the places to visit in Rwanda. You can reach this place coming from Butare. With the help of the Belgian government, the museum was built in 1989. As such, it has a rich history which can help you understand the country’s history and deviations. However, it should be noted that it also has a deep exploration in the Rwanda Genocide. You can visit the site where the Queen Dowager Rosalie Gicanda was killed here

11. Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre

After reaching Gisozi, you’d have to make a ten-minute drive to reach the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre. You will feel the powerful presence of the 250,000 who were killed to commemorate this memorial center. Once inside, you can opt to walk with a guide or watch the Audio-visual presentations they have prepared. As this is a memorial place, any tourist is expected to be at their best behavior and modest clothing. Other than that, you should book in advance to gain better access to this memorial center.

12. Lake Kivu

Lake Kivu is known to be one of the greatest lakes in all of Africa. This freshwater lake is so magnificent that it can provide almost everything to those who live near it. Be careful if you want to swim in it, though. The current is pretty strong. It boasts its position as the ninth deepest lake in the world by mean depth. In addition, the different processes happening under the lake will make it impossible for you to do a breaststroke. This is because it rests in a rift valley, allowing volcanic activity to be present.

13. Akagera National Park

If you are ever in the eastern parts of Rwanda, take a quick visit to this place. The Akagera National Park is so huge that it covers 1,200 square kilometers. This national park offers visitors a look of the many black rhinos and exotic kinds of lions. It is one of the places to visit in Rwanda. With the restoration of the park done, it now houses the “Big Five” of Africa. The Big Five consists of Elephants, Rhinos, Lions, Leopards, and Buffalos. You can also enjoy the great wetland with the 12,000 large mammals and 482 species of birds.

14. Nyungwe Forest

As one of the most visited forests in the country, you can expect great things from the Nyungwe Forest. First, you can again see the different mountain gorillas living in the forest. Second, the extreme biodiversity will surely keep you busy shooting with your cameras. Lastly, the place looks like something out of a fairy tale. You can see different kinds of orchids, tree ferns, and mahoganies and you can reach this place after a 4-5 hour ride from Kigali.

15. Volcanoes National Park

Travelling from the airport or from Kigali to the Volcanoes National Park will allow you to do some gorilla tracking on the way. However, you will have to wake up very early for that. If you plan to visit this place, you’ll be amazed that this is the oldest national park in Rwanda and a lot of people come here. You can spot mountain gorillas and golden monkeys here, too. Perhaps, the most exciting thing about this park is the different activities you can do while you’re there. You can do volcano trekking, visit cultural areas, explore caves and many more.

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